Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kick the oil companies in the…work from home!

Check it's press release!

Only the wisest people will take advantage of this internet opportunity.

With gas prices skyrocketing along with national debt, everyone is feeling the pinch. Debt per household is increasing daily and stress is rising like never before. The average American family is struggling to make ends meet and looking to find better ways to increase their income.

Forbes Magazine has estimated 79 million people will start a home based business. Traditional MLM businesses have proven that only the top 3% make a profit. The problem is that the average person doesn’t know how to sell. Selling is an art and a skill. However there is an opportunity that eliminates the need for that skill. Carbon Copy Pro offers the solution to that problem with an automated system. This is a system designed by the internet marketing mavericks who have generated millions of dollars using the internet. You can generate a five figure income within 90 days by copying what they do.

To see what it’s all about, visit:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Free leads via your very own press release!

You don't have to be Paris Hilton or Warren Buffet to put out a press release. Imagen that?! Just by putting out a press release, you can generate TONS of leads at little or no cost. Very nice!

Apparently it's quite common in the world of internet marketing and there are several sites you can post your news worthy event. Here is a short list of just a few to get you started:


There is even a fabulous little video tutorial put out by David Schwinn, a young marketing maverick. You can see it by clicking HERE.

Read through the other press releases to get a feel for what works. The main key to getting people to actually READ your press release is a good title. One that will invoke curiosity and excitement. So pay attention to how you feel when you read titles from other people's press releases. What makes you click on it? What makes you curious to find out more? That is the real hook. Then keep your message clear and concise. It doesn't hurt to use your sense of humor or find some way to entertain in addition to being educational. Have fun with it! That'll come across to your readers and make them want more.

Happy Marketing!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hot marketing method...and it's FREE!!

Want to learn something that will really produce some results? I do! I just came across this blog post today. You'll see some exciting changes on this blog soon.

Antone Rondy from "White Hat Crew" put out an AWESOME video on using Google Trends to drive massive traffic to your website. You can check it out here:

Watch me test it out and I'll report back my experience and results I get in a couple weeks. I've been doing internet marketing for a few months so I'm still considered a "newbie". I should be able to produce some interesting results. Anyone else want to give it a shot? I'd love to hear about how this process works for you too and what you learn from it. Everybody ready? CHARGE!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Can it get any more motivating..?

Today I got an email from Michael Force. He's a top earner with $100K PER MONTH kinda top earner! He sent this out to all his down line to keep things in perspective. Now I'm sharing it with you. Check it out!

Did you know 70% of your income comes from the M2 & M3 level.

Also, you will save-

$22,000 in commissions being a MC @ the M2 level.
$33,000 in commissions being a MC @ the M3 level.

$55,000 Total.

If you make 10 m1 sales in the next 30 days you would earn:

$10,000 as an m1 Consultant
$25,000 as an m2 Consultant (assuming 40% step up to m2)
$40,000 as an m3 Consultant (assuming 50% step up to m3)
$75,000 a month!

The big money is @ the M2 & M3 levels!

Remember that your expenses or work STAYS THE SAME! The amount of
money that you earn is what really changes though!

Do the math, with a combination of the discounts and promotion to
MASTER, you are going to make THOUSANDS more over your first few

Close to 40% GET STARTED at m2/m3 and if you are only positioned at
m1 your sponsor will make the sale, NOT YOU.

Do it before you find out that your new prospect has purchased an
m2 or m3 from your sponsor!

Watch the compensation plan video on !


Now THAT is exciting! I'm getting better every day and learning something new every day with CCPro. There is no reason why you shouldn't join us. Come along for the ride!

All the best,

Arlina Allen
M2 Master Consultant

Wednesday, June 18, 2008