Friday, June 20, 2008

Can it get any more motivating..?

Today I got an email from Michael Force. He's a top earner with $100K PER MONTH kinda top earner! He sent this out to all his down line to keep things in perspective. Now I'm sharing it with you. Check it out!

Did you know 70% of your income comes from the M2 & M3 level.

Also, you will save-

$22,000 in commissions being a MC @ the M2 level.
$33,000 in commissions being a MC @ the M3 level.

$55,000 Total.

If you make 10 m1 sales in the next 30 days you would earn:

$10,000 as an m1 Consultant
$25,000 as an m2 Consultant (assuming 40% step up to m2)
$40,000 as an m3 Consultant (assuming 50% step up to m3)
$75,000 a month!

The big money is @ the M2 & M3 levels!

Remember that your expenses or work STAYS THE SAME! The amount of
money that you earn is what really changes though!

Do the math, with a combination of the discounts and promotion to
MASTER, you are going to make THOUSANDS more over your first few

Close to 40% GET STARTED at m2/m3 and if you are only positioned at
m1 your sponsor will make the sale, NOT YOU.

Do it before you find out that your new prospect has purchased an
m2 or m3 from your sponsor!

Watch the compensation plan video on !


Now THAT is exciting! I'm getting better every day and learning something new every day with CCPro. There is no reason why you shouldn't join us. Come along for the ride!

All the best,

Arlina Allen
M2 Master Consultant

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